Extract of Words on Roger from Bryony (the Vicar) at his Remembrance

Created by Russell & Polly 10 years ago
Any of you who were here just a few months ago, when we held a similar service for Rosie, may remember that I told you how Roger had slowly followed me out of the house, and to my car, and made me to understand he had something very important that he wished to tell me. That to me summed up his courage and determination. He had something important that he wanted to tell me, because he wanted me to include it in the service. How he actually managed to walk with me to my car I’ll never know, but he did, and that really typifies the man whose life we are celebrating today. He had a tremendous amount of both courage & determination it’s sometimes possible to receive great relief in the most unexpected way. There was a man whose mother had recently died and her son, going through her Christmas card list to pass on the sad news. Since the last two years of her life had been spent in a ‘home’ he wanted to be sure he was talking to the right person. His mother had been a cleaner who had worked for a man with twin daughters, one of whom had died several years ago. With his daughter’s help he found that there were only two names on the list that fitted. One in Ireland, and one in the UK. He called the latter and learned that he was too late because the lady he sought had also died. The two men spoke briefly agreeing that she must have been a wonderful person. So one man received great comfort from a strange phone call. The old lady who worked as a cleaner for Russell Nunn and had died aged 97 was Bessi Gibbs, and his daughter’s name was Rosie Hipkin (words from Roger) Whatever your memories of Roger, I feel sure that they will be very special. That you will remember his smile, a shy smile, but nonetheless a really lovely warm smile. His voice, his laugh, his sense of humour, - his absolute dogged determination, and the love that he had for all his family